
Police Drama

Action one: 8:00 early morning, on the bike rush to school, tram and car share the same lane

Following was a police car, " Madam, can you please stop?"
(STOP) " What's up?" (CONFUSED)
" You have just broken the red light."
" I did not see it"
"Yes, you did not see it. You were on the phone, a car even stopped
for you, otherwise it must be an accident."
" You will get warning, and have to pay 60 euros for it!"
(The yellow paper of bill has already been in hand)
What a strict police...........

Action 2: half and one month later, on the bike rush to work, just went out from home,
turnleft.......(music activities close the neigbour, they are checking the parking)

" Madam, can you please stop?"
"Yes, what's up?"
" You are on the walking lane, can not be on the bike, you will get
warning for 15 Euros"
"Hey, I just live here, only turned left then you stopped me, not even
have time to go to the bike lane yet. I am in a hurry, please.."
" Ok, please don't do it next time!"
"OK, bye````"

What a bored police....

Action three: The same day, on the bike to home after work, evening
"Where is your bike light?"
" It got stollen this afternoon when I went to work, only the back light left, see??
the front one is missing, ai....only a few hours"
(I was lying, the front one was stollen already half year ago)
"Poor girl, take care for next time"
"Ok, thank you!"

Haha..What a nice police......

1 comment:

rollinhennie news said...

pity of that money you must put in the Dutch Tax Box, but happy that no one hit you. because this year was already tough enough for me. and i want to keep you complete as long as you live. you're a good woman in the house.