
How I will be when I am 80

Today, I was working the whole day and evening in the restaurant, 10.5 hours.Later evening, I saw a old woman walking slowly into the restaurant with the crutch. She was walking hunchly and took more time by sitting down. I guess she is seventies or even eighty.

Every week, she comes to eat, simply only one tomatosoup and one spring roll. She sits in the restaurant always by two or even three hours. Her husband was dead four years ago, so now she is alone. I did not know if she has any children. I am just thinking if she has but where are they. Every time I saw her, she was always by her own. My boss said she was always walking outside if the weather was nice. She wants to talk to people or just want to see some people. I think in the western country, there are more old people like she is now. I feel sorry for them. Living alone, maybe they like it, but some how still feel a bit lonely, or simply just respect their children's lives, do not want to disturb. They did not expect their children come to live with them, but at least, it is better that children can come to take look at them, or just have a dinner together.

In this case, I like the way in gernal now what our parents are doing to our grandparents. First, i think it is hardly to find that parents are still living with grand parents. But always during the weekend, parents will bring the kids to grandparents. So three generations are staying together, talking, playing Majang, watching some TV programm. Kids are running around in the house. What a busy view! But what a cozy family!

I do not think anyone will like it when they are sitting alone in the house. It is always nice to spend the weekend with friends, families. Our parents are feeding us till we have grown up , and one day, when they are old but feeling lonely. Parents will never expect anything from us, just being healthy and happy. For sure, they miss us and also want to see us more often. I think that is nature. As their children, nomatter how old we are, we are still the children in their eyes. Sometimes, there are some reasons, such as living far away or we have no time, but at least need to try best.

So Why shouldn't we go to see them more often? just imangine, how we will feel when we are getting old, especially when we lost our lover?What do we still expect?

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