
only one day of the week at school

I did not write for a few days and also missed my regular programm(to gym), was ill but also lazy. Slept quiet long but it seems still not enough.

Today it was Wednesday, only for few hours to school. The first day of the week, I went to school, missed some classes of the first two days, and tomorrow it starts the holidays again and stay over the weekend. It seemed I was trying to give myself the holiday this week. Some people from the group asked me how i was doing, cause I also missed the group meetings..I felt so nice to see some school friends again, having classes,eventhough it was not so interesting, talking with some friends, having some coffee, even today I also had a project meeting. It was not bad as what I thought, every boday was happy, no more arguements and questions this time, very peaceful and friendly environment.

In break time of school, I heared a story from a friend, about a guy from the same spanish class. The guy comes from Sudan, or just that area, he lost his 6 families members in one month, including his parents.Wooo.....I had no any words to say, felt so sorry for him and got chicken skin. He had left the country for about 10 years, and he was the child soldier. She told that she read some stories about the child soldier, very miserable life of them. What a miserable life of him!! had a bad childhood, now lost family, and suffering the pains(I lost a close friend of mine before, so I could understand the feeling, his situation was even worse than mine),but luckly he got a brother in Holland.

I hate the war, I hate the people just come to your country take everything away, I hate the people kill any people, women, children, the old. Why shouldn't every country live in a peaceful world? Having toooooo.. much desire will never make satification. Why people have sooo... much desire? It is good, but always not too much.

Hopefully, everyone appreciate the lives, only can live once.Hopefully, the guy will go better year by year;Hopefully, we are going to have a peace in the everywhere of the world.

Today was a good day, nice weather, less winds, had school, had coffee and dinner with friends , came home late, but enjoyed the day!! Life just needs to be enjoyed simplely.......

Next day is coming, we go to fight for our future to welcome our new day!

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