
How much weight can people lose?

"Losing weight is a never dead topic for women."

During the break of the Dutch lesson, some girls from class were talking about who is slim and who is fat, so the topic will never far away from losing weight and keep fit. One girl was saying," I am now 60 kilos(168cm), my aim is to be with 45 kilos.""Are you crazy?? That will be too skinny.Some singers were really great before, but after lost 10 kilos, they were becoming under popular....Don;t do that, maybe just make it till 50....." I have heared quiet a lot of girls around me all want to lose weight, look slimmer, then being attractive. Females are always like this, also include me, more care about how selves look like, the face, the body, the clothes.....

Well, to be honest, I have been to gym almost every day for one month.But the purpose going there is to make me sleep well, that is why, i always go a bit late in the evening, 40 mins till it is close. It really works well and on the other hand, the fitness can also be achieved. I just want to point out that keeping fitness is not bad or unnecessary,sports are always good . Just people shouldn't have extreamly idea that want to become skinny skinny, then the sports won't help too much of that.

We should always care about the body condition first and health, keeping losing weight with sports and without food all the time is a bit stupid idea just want to be goodlooking, and it will change your body resistence if lose too much under the standard.

Keep a positive and right attitude on it!

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