
Pinkpop 2009

Every year, the special pop music concert in Holland, I saw some parts of the concert on TV. Actually, I have no idea with the names of the bands,such as Bruce Springsteen, Krezip, the killers..., or maybe just in case heared some music but couldn't not remember the names. I am not so crazy with pop music, but by hearing those music, the feeling is different, feel falling in love with the music. So impressive!! Here it is just a special band, named KREZIP with three beauties, they started the band nine years ago when they were 17 or 18, a wonderful age, but gonna quit this year, the Pinkpop 2009 is the last show for them. I saw one of the woman's baby, perhaps she found the family is more important than her own career,even she can give up her favorite music, do not know if it is the current decision.I like her voice very much, and also touched by her song.

2000 , a starting band

2009, a finishing band

this is for every young girl,we have to learn, we have to try, we have to trust, we have to cry, we have to see. we have to know, we have to be strong, we have to make decision..........

I would stay(Lyrics)

If this is true,

I thought then, what will I think

Will I stay but rather I would get away

I'm scared that I won't find a thing

And afraid that I'll turn out to be alone, but I

I have to learn, have to try, have to trust I have to cry

Have to see, have to know that I can be myself

And if I could I would stay

And if they're not, not in my way

I'll stare here in the distance

But I'll grow up to be just like you, yeah

I'll grow up to be just like you, yeah

I see it all I'm sure but

Do I know what's right

Ithought I knew but it turns out the other way

I am scared that I won't find a thing

And afraid that I'll turn out to be alone, but I

I have to learn, have to try, have to trust I have to cry

I have to see, have to know that I can be myself

And if I could I would stay

And if they're not, not in my way I'll stare here in the distance

But I'll grow up to be just like you, yeah

I'll grow up to be just like you

I want to tell you

Why would I try to

You are all that I can see now

Why would I try to

And I want to tell you

Why would I try to

You are all I can see now

I know I'll try to

I have to learn, have to try, have to trust, have to cry

I have to see, have to know that I can be myself

But if I could, yeah, I would stay

And if they're not, not in my way

I'll stare here in the distance

But I'll grow up to be just like you, yeah

I'll grow up to be just like you, like you


Simon Zondag said...

It's not 'her' song,
it's the bands song.
She is the leadsinger, she does not act alone. They decided to stop while they were on top, and wanted to face the world alone instead of always with the group.
They were great, but the big songs with the entire group performing are also asome.

Lori Luo said...

she started already...the fist personal concert of her took lace in Amsterdam Heniken musical hall.